This was Caleb at 9 pm this evening, 30 minutes past his bedtime. This is what happens when you coop up a two year-old in the house for five days straight. He wants to take the pillows off the furniture and bounce like "Tiggy" until he's coughing and gagging.
Man, I love that kid.
Why, you might ask, have I held my child hostage indoors for such a length of time? Because I am conducting an experiment to see how long it will take me to become bald. From tearing out my hair.
It's this damn cold. The green-snot-wet-cough cold we've all got. Oh, and this damn cold. Holy witch's tittie, Batman. Every time I've tried to take Caleb out in the backyard to blow off steam--Caleb, my child who could be a superhero named Impervious--we're out there for about ninety seconds, then he looks at me like, "Seriously? Seriously?" and goes back in the house. And then I'm like, "Thank Gah..."
Who needs the Great Outdoors when you've got a perfectly good couch for bouncin'?
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