But then I decided not to give Caleb the cards yet, since he didn't seem remotely interested in the alphabet, except to listen (or not) whenever I would sing it, which isn't often. Fast forward three months. We're sitting in the living room this morning, Sesame Street is on t.v., but I've turned the volume off because, although it wasn't even 9 a.m., I was already on sensory overload. But that's a whole different post.
So the show has an animated segment on the alphabet--each letter comes onto the screen solo, accompanied by objects that start with that letter. You know the drill. Well, I'm on the phone with my friend who just had a baby and out. of. nowhere. Caleb starts saying each letter as it comes onto the screen. So immune I was to my toddler's incessant babbling, I tuned him out until he was right in my face, saying, "T! U! V! W!..." as each letter appeared on the t.v. And then it hit me. The child knows the. whole. freakin. alphabet. I about dropped the phone.
Um...ok. I feel like, well...a dumbass. Where have I been?! How did this happen? If I hadn't been so proud, I might have said, "WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT?" the way *some* moms do when their kid drops an F-bomb.
i'm so not surprised, that caleb, he's somethin' else...