And the blueberries were sweet. All four of them. (Hey, you gotta start somewhere, right?)
Eight sweet pepper bushes. One pepper. (It's better than none!)
The tomatoes are sweet and lovely. But not if you ask Caleb. Caleb took one bite out of a cherry tomato--he was so proud of it, having come from HIS garden--and promptly threw up. (At least he tried it!)
The petunias have survived heat, drought, slugs and squirrel attacks. Resilient, those petunias.
The Crepe Myrtle (Is that how you spell it? I'm too lazy to look it up.) is divine--we set up the baby pool under its shade the other day. The boys were delirious. Then Caleb crapped in the pool and everything kinda went downhill, but it was a great four minutes before that.
My garden is still a place of healing, but more in a sweat lodge kind of way. We don't linger outside too much these days. If the heat doesn't getcha, the skeeters will.
The gourd plants have taken over. They're great! Their prolific, happy wide leaves, proud yellow flowers and zany patterned gourds are a delight.
And sunflowers. How can a gal be anything but happy with sunflowers in her yard?